Founded by hobby metal detectorist, Kelley McCoy, as a special hub for the explorer, dreamer and adventurer in us all.
Digger Planet connects metal detecting enthusiasts
by providing one destination to buy and sell metal detecting merchandise. Whether you want to sell one pinpointer or have your own metal detecting business storefront, its all possible here. Digger Planet is not just a trading platform: it is a place that fosters camaraderie among the community.
While we may be spread out from each other geographically, Digger Planet lets you buy from someone on a more personal level. Who knows, maybe a good friend will come of the transaction!
Services Rendered
Professional Logo Creation
WordPress CMS Installation
Pro Graphic Design
Pro Theme Customization
Page Layout Creation & Content
WooCommerce Shopping Platform
SEO Implementation
WordPress Maintenance
Social Media Branding
Total Hours: 16
Total Budget: $599
(excl. SSL, theme, plugins)