Mari Smith is one of the world’s leading social media strategists and widely recognized as THE top Facebook marketing expert in the world. She is author of The New Relationship Marketing and coauthor of Facebook Marketing: An Hour A Day.
Fast Company describes Mari as, “A veritable engine of personal branding, a relationship marketing whiz and the Pied Piper of the Online World.” Forbes recently named Mari as one of the top ten Social Media Influencers, and Dun & Bradstreet Credibility named Mari one of the top ten Most Influential Small Business People on Twitter. Read More
Custom WordPress Site and Blog
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Custom WordPress site and blog for Mari Smith using the Headway Themes developer version and YooThemes Widgetkit. The social rich content and widgets in this design are above the rest! Including a powerful Opt In, social media connections, LIVE Twitter stream, latest blog posts, shopping, polls, current featured slider, so much more its hard to describe the powerful magazine layout designed for Mari Smith and Team Mari.
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